Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hope: M.O.M.

This article will be published in the October newsletter, but because this is a new ministry and I think, one we should be excited about, I figured it wouldn't hurt to publish it here too:

During the months of April and May, 9-13 people from across the life of the congregation, gathered together each Wednesday night to share fellowship and worship, read the Bible, and discern three main things: what Cherokee’s past had taught them, what the reality of the present actually looked like, and what a “dream” future might include.  By the end of the discernment study, the consensus among the group, was that Cherokee Christian Church ought to focus their collective energy on ministry with children and those who care for children.  This decision was affirmed by the Elders and the Board, and I was charged with finding a ministry that could be sustained with our limited budget, small membership, and uncertain future.

And by the grace of God and the Spirit of Leading, I met Misty, the Director of MOM.  MOM, is a ministry with and for, single mothers.  MOM is a “…a relationship-based ministry dedicated to the restoration and healing of single-mother families.  Through small groups, personal relationships, regional events, discipleship, and inter-ministry networking, MOM seeks to equip single mothers to walk in healing and wholeness through the deeper understanding of who Jesus Christ is.”  MOM offers fellowship, seminars and continued education, family fun opportunities, accountability, and networking…all framed around the love of Jesus Christ.
Misty and I met several times, wondering and exploring how Cherokee Christian Church might be part of the lives of these single mothers…how we might offer a bit of solace and hope…and how we might be the face of Jesus Christ for these women!!  And as it turned out, MOM needed more space.

Of course, we have that in abundance.  But simply providing space didn’t seem sacrificial, relational, service oriented, or even all that hope-filled.  Especially when I had learned, through our conversation, that 89% of women who go through divorce, “lose” their church.  Or that at least 70% of all disciplinary issues within the middle school, involve children who come from single parent homes.  I also learned that the quality of life for newly separated or divorced women, drops disproportionally when compared to their male counterparts, with 30% of single mothers, living in poverty. 
The Elders and I wondered how we could be a more intentional, active presence in the life of these women.

And so, on the first Saturday of each month (beginning November 2), we will make “sacred space” for 50-75 women, who will gather for fellowship, support, learning, and nurture.  We will prepare a meal/brunch (at no cost to us), we will set up tables, and make an atmosphere of “value” for these women who may not have folks “do” for them, very often.  We will sit at table with them, listen to their story, and support them in prayer (sounds like the work of Christ followers, huh?!).  And when the morning has ended, we will clean up after them (so they don’t have to) and continue to keep them…their prayers, their struggles, and their dreams… in our hearts.
I hope that everyone might find a way to “plug in” to this community ministry, either by cooking or cleaning, setting up, or simply sitting at table with them, and being present to a group that is often overlooked.  If you have more questions and/or a willingness to be part of this exciting and life-giving ministry, please contact me (Rev. Trish) at

What a joy it is, to serve God in life and ministry with you….
Peace, rt