Sunday, July 14, 2013

General Assembly: Day 2

Tonight, The Reverend Dr. Sharon Watkins, our General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), presented to the gathered assembly, the State of the Church. 

You know the numbers.  We've talked about the stats.  The depressing downward slide.  The troubles... the "why are they so big when we're so small" conversations... the hand wringing... and heavy sighs.

We know all that. 

We're living all that.

But tonight she said one thing, that I want us to make our own, as we move into the future: "If we were to compare ourselves with God's future, rather than our past...the horizon would be bright."

When I first heard that sentence...that statement of FAITH and HOPE and FUTURE... an "amen" erupted from my lips! 

May we be those congregational people and denominational people... but even more so, as faith people... who compare ourselves to God's future... with faithful abandon and reckless hope...and believe (like, way down in our toes and in our gut!) that God is NOT done with us yet! 

Thanks be to God...


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