Tuesday, July 16, 2013

General Assembly: Day 4

I have many thoughts swimming through my heart and soul tonight...but I seem to lack the clarity of thought, to commit them to paper (or internet, as it is!). 

So I would draw your attention to the "business" of the church...as an Assembly, we gather every two years to discern, discuss, and vote (though we use that word with hesitation) on issues that relate to the life of the church and the world it functions within.  This year, there were three "biggie" issues which included parental leave, drone warfare, and the full inclusion of GLBT persons into the life of the church.

If you'd like to follow along and see what's happening with these resolutions, you can find the link here. You can also find ministry reports there too...as well as an overview of how a resolution makes its way to General Assembly (which, if you're sorta a geek like me, you might find interesting!).

But about that "vote" that I referenced....

As you may know, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) stands by the idea of congregational autonomy...which means, that though we have a few "essentials" (which will be a future blog post)... for the most part, each congregation makes its own decisions, hires its own leaders, decides how to disseminate its financial gifts, interprets scripture, and practices the faith INDIVIDUALLY... without a judicatory or hierarchical body mandating the parameters. 

Because congregations practice autonomy, it also means that when the General Assembly gathers and "votes" on something (like say, full inclusion of all persons into the sacraments of the church), said vote becomes what is called, a "sense of the Assembly."  This means...that the denomination is leaning in this direction (at least those who have gathered)....but it's not a mandate for the local congregation.

That's frustrating for many of us...especially when these "sense of the Assembly" votes move the arc of justice and inclusion and hope in such a way that points to God... but it's also a gift.

We live in a world that is very "black and white" with stark lines drawn between Democrat and Republican, Liberal and Conservative, Pro-Life and Pro-Choice, Homophobic and GLBTQ Advocate, Pacifist and War Supporter, Christian radio listener and Top 40 jammer...you know.  But the church (because of this congregational autonomy, which means that we readily and willingly fall on both sides of just about EVERY issue) gets to figure out how to live together and talk together and argue together and pray together and weep together and break bread together... because we're in this together!

We know, deep in our souls, that unity is not about likeness of mind...but about likeness of Spirit. We know that sometimes, thoughtful dialogue is the spirit at work.  We know that sometimes God uses dissension in the community of faith to increase our capacity to love [Suchocki].  We know that relationship trumps doctrine. 

And what a gift we have to share with the divided world...a gift of new vision: a vision of the Kingdom of God, in all of its diversity and messiness and confusion and gray areas, that is still united in Spirit and Love!!

What a gift it is, to be church.

Thanks be to God...


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